EV Charging Siting Tool
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About This Map
This map was developed as a planning resource for LA Metro to help prioritize and site EV charging infrastructure. It seeks to capture the areas around the greater Los Angeles region that are likely to see demand for charging from EV drivers over the next several years. The analysis behind this mapping project is a data-driven exercise that looks at key EV ownership indicators and regional travel patterns to identify areas where there will likely be demand for EV charging infrastructure. Additional mapping layers for existing charging infrastructure and disadvantaged communities is included to aid understanding of where charging infrastructure is needed.
Mapping Tools
This map comes equipped with tools for compiling a summary of the property, parking, charging, and TAZ features within a drawn polygon. Note that these polygons are not saved and only exist within your current browsing session.

To begin, open up the toolbox and select "New Polygon". Click on the map to start your polygon, and then each subsequent click will place a new vertex. To complete the polygon, simply click on the initial point. Avoid rapid double-clicking, as this may cause errors. When in drawing mode, the "Undo" button will remove the last vertex placed. "Cancel" will remove the polygon and exit drawing mode.

If you wish to modify a completed polygon, the "Edit" button allows you to add and move vertices. You can then decide to "Save" or "Cancel" the changes made. If you wish to remove a drawn polygon, choose the "Delete" button and then click on any polygons that you've created. "Save" will remove them from the map, while "Cancel" will leave them as they are. [Delete] After clicking the Delete button, click on any drawn polygon to remove it from the map.
After completing a study area polygon, a summary of results will be available in the Results window.
Selected Area Summary:
Please draw a polygon to retrieve information.
Enter study area name:
Export files for this study area
KML Download
TAZ Features
Parking Features
Property Features
Charging Features
CSV Download
TAZ List
Parking List
Property List
Charging List
Current demand scenario: {{data.selectedLATazPolygons[0][2]}}
Contains {{data.selectedProperties.length}} Metro Properties
Metro facility parking: {{data.totalParkingSpotsInPolygon}} spots ({{data.totalFreeSpotsInPolygon}} free, {{data.totalPaidSpotsInPolygon}} paid)
Existing charging: {{data.totalChargingSpotsInPolygon}} spots ({{data.totalMetroSpotsInPolygon}} Metro, {{data.totalNonMetroSpotsInPolygon}} non Metro)
{{data.averageDemandRankInPolygon}} = Average charging demand (1 low, 6 high)
{{data.demandRankHigh.length}} high demand TAZs (score of 5 or 6)
TAZ Demand source Rank
{{taz[0]}} {{taz[2]}} {{taz[1]}}
{{data.demandRankMedium.length}} medium demand TAZs (score of 3 or 4)
TAZ Demand source Rank
{{taz[0]}} {{taz[2]}} {{taz[1]}}
{{data.demandRankLow.length}} low demand TAZs (score of 1 or 2)
TAZ Demand source Rank
{{taz[0]}} {{taz[2]}} {{taz[1]}}
TAZ Demand source Rank
{{taz[0]}} {{taz[2]}} {{taz[1]}}
Ownership Charging Location Access Total Spaces
Metro {{charge[0]}} {{charge[1]}} {{charge[2]}}
Non Metro {{charge[0]}} Public {{charge[1]}}
{{charge[0]}} Private {{charge[1]}}
Parking lot Free Spaces Paid Spaces Total Spaces
{{lot[0]}} {{lot[1]}} {{lot[2]}} {{lot[3]}}
Property Name Type
{{prop[1]}} {{prop[0]}}